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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
    成立时间:2022/6/8 15:46:43
  • 公司地址: 福建省 漳州 福建省漳州开发区南滨大道429号招商局芯云谷3号楼217-01
  • 姓名: 钟
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


    5SHX1445H0001 ABB ICGT模块 PLC模块卡件 变频器 伺服控制器

  • 所属行业:电气
  • 发布日期:2022-06-18
  • 阅读量:70
  • 价格:9999.99 元/件 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:99.00 件
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:福建漳州  
  • 关键词:5SHX1445H0001

    5SHX1445H0001 ABB ICGT模块 PLC模块卡件 变频器 伺服控制器详细内容

      5SHX1445H0001 ABB ICGT模块 PLC模块卡件 变频器 伺服控制器

      5SHX1445H0001 ABB ICGT模块 PLC模块卡件 变频器 伺服控制器

      5SHX1445H0001 ABB ICGT模块 PLC模块卡件 变频器 伺服控制器






      电路结构采用IGBT 直接串联技术,也叫直接器件串联型高压变频器。其在直流环节使用高压电容进行滤波和储能,输出电压可达13.8KV,其优点是可以采用较低耐压的功率器件,串联桥臂上的所有IGBT作用相同,能够实现互为备用,或者进行冗余设计。缺点是电平数较低,仅为两电平,输出电压dV/dt也较大,需要采用特种电动机或加装共模电压滤波器和高压正弦波滤波器,其成本会增加许多。由于它与低压变频器有着一样的拓扑结构,因此它像低压变频器一样具有四象限运行功能,也可以实现矢量控制。


      It adopts GTO, SCR or IGCT elements in series to realize direct high-voltage frequency conversion, and the voltage can reach 10kV. Because the DC link uses inductive elements, which are not sensitive to current, it is not easy to have overcurrent fault. The inverter also works reliably and has good protection performance. The input side adopts thyristor phase control rectifier, and the input current has large harmonic. When the capacity of the frequency converter is large, the pollution to the power grid and the interference to the communication electronic equipment should be considered. The voltage equalizing and buffering circuit has complex technology and high cost. Due to many devices and large volume, it is difficult to adjust and maintain. The inverter bridge adopts forced commutation, and its calorific value is relatively large, so it is necessary to solve the heat dissipation problem of devices. The utility model has the advantages of four quadrant operation capability and can be braked.

      It should be noted that due to the low input power factor and high input and output harmonics of this type of frequency converter, it is necessary to install high-voltage self-healing capacitors at its input and output sides.

      High high voltage

      The circuit structure adopts IGBT direct series technology, also known as direct device series high voltage inverter. It uses high-voltage capacitors for filtering and energy storage in the DC link, and the output voltage can reach 13.8kv. Its advantage is that it can use low voltage withstand power devices, and all IGBTs on the series bridge arm have the same function, which can realize mutual standby or redundancy design. The disadvantage is that the level number is low, only two levels, and the output voltage dv/dt is also large. Special motors or common mode voltage filters and high-voltage sine wave filters need to be installed, which will increase the cost. Because it has the same topology as the low-voltage inverter, it has the four quadrant operation function like the low-voltage inverter, and can also realize vector control.

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