

  • 3
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
    成立时间:2022/6/8 15:46:43
  • 公司地址: 福建省 漳州 福建省漳州开发区南滨大道429号招商局芯云谷3号楼217-01
  • 姓名: 钟
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


    LDSTA 01 3BHB007441P0001 ABB变频器控制CPU驱动板 PLC模块卡件 伺服控制器

  • 所属行业:电气
  • 发布日期:2022-06-20
  • 阅读量:98
  • 价格:9999.99 元/件 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:99.00 件
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:福建漳州  
  • 关键词:LDSTA,01

    LDSTA 01 3BHB007441P0001 ABB变频器控制CPU驱动板 PLC模块卡件 伺服控制器详细内容

      LDSTA 01 3BHB007441P0001 ABB变频器控制CPU驱动板 PLC模块卡件 伺服控制器

      LDSTA 01 3BHB007441P0001 ABB变频器控制CPU驱动板 PLC模块卡件 伺服控制器

      LDSTA 01 3BHB007441P0001 ABB变频器控制CPU驱动板 PLC模块卡件 伺服控制器




      变频器还可以广泛应用于传送、起重、挤压和机床等各种机械设备控制领域,它可以提高工艺水平和产品质量,减少设备的冲击和噪声,延长设备的使用寿命。采用变频调速控制后,使机械系统简化,操作和控制更加方便,有的甚至可以改变原有的工艺规范,从而提高了整个设备的功能。例如,纺织和许多行业用的定型机,机内温度是靠改变送入热风的多少来调节的。输送热风通常用的是循环风机,由于风机速度不变,送入热风的多少只有用风门来调节。如果风门调节失灵或调节不当就会造成定型机失控,从而影响成品质量。循环风机高速启动,传动带与轴承之间磨损非常厉害,使传动带变成了一种易耗品。在采用变频调速后,温度调节可以通过变频器自动调节风机的速度来实现,解决了产品质量问题。此外,变频器能够很方便地实现风机在低频低速下启动并减少了传动带与轴承之间的磨损,还可以延长设备的使用寿命,同时可以节能40%。 [5]



      Application in improving process level and product quality

      Frequency converter can also be widely used in transmission, lifting, extrusion, machine tool and other mechanical equipment control fields. It can improve the process level and product quality, reduce the impact and noise of equipment, and extend the service life of equipment. After adopting frequency conversion speed regulation control, the mechanical system is simplified, and the operation and control are more convenient. Some of them can even change the original process specifications, thus improving the function of the whole equipment. For example, in the setting machine used in textile and many industries, the temperature in the machine is adjusted by changing the amount of hot air. The circulating fan is usually used for conveying hot air. As the fan speed remains unchanged, the amount of hot air sent can only be adjusted by the damper. If the damper fails to adjust or is not adjusted properly, the setting machine will be out of control, thus affecting the quality of finished products. When the circulating fan is started at high speed, the wear between the drive belt and the bearing is very severe, making the drive belt a consumable. After adopting frequency conversion speed regulation, the temperature can be adjusted by the frequency converter to automatically adjust the speed of the fan, which solves the product quality problem. In addition, the frequency converter can easily start the fan at low frequency and low speed, reduce the wear between the drive belt and the bearing, prolong the service life of the equipment, and save 40% energy.

    PFTL 101B 2.0KN
    PFTL301E 1.0 KN
    TB807 3BSE008538R1
    CI858K01 3BSE018135R1
    CI871K01 3BSE056797R1
    TB711F 3BDH000365R0001
    PM783F 3BDH000364R0001
    CM772F 3BDH000368R0001
    AX722F 3BDH000377R0001
    TU715F 3BDH000378R0001
    DC732F 3BDH000375R0001
    CP-E 24/1.25
    PFTL101A 1.0KN 3BSE004166R1
    PFTL301E 1.0 KN
    LDGRB-01 3BSE013177R1
    欢迎来到厦门雄霸电子商务有限公司漳州分公司网站, 具体地址是福建省漳州福建省漳州开发区南滨大道429号招商局芯云谷3号楼217-01,联系人是钟。 主要经营通用电气卡件模块,控制主板,卡件底座控制器,CPU处理器模块,控制器 PLC。 单位注册资金单位注册资金。 价格战,是很多行业都有过的恶性竞争,不少厂家为了在价格战役中获胜,不惜以牺牲产品质量为代价,而我们公司坚决杜绝价格战,坚持用优质的原材料及先进的技术确保产品质量,确保消费者的合法利益。